How lucky am I that I get to work in a media innovation and research center every single day that is nicer than most real-life centers? It is truly one of the most amazing places to work and learn at. I am able to work on editing videos and graphics, all easily accessible at the tips of my fingers. The facilities that are provided to us students are incredible and second to none…not even local news stations that employ hired professionals. I have learned to use the prestigious Final Cut editing software that well-known news stations use such as ABC and NBC. Because of these amazing facilities being provided, I am able to enjoy the time I spend working on projects and during news shifts. It is one of the most hands on, educating experience to be a journalism student at UF. We have one of the top Journalism programs in the country and our CMIR directly reflects that. As students, sometimes we take for granted what we have provided for us. This is something that I have tried to stay away from because I know not every single news station will be as well equipped as this one is. I have the utmost respect and honor for everyone who put this news center together. It has changed my life and I cannot wait to take the skills I have learned here through taking online and TV classes to a real career. I have learned so much here at UF. From learning how to record radio stories to going out as a reporter and writing a story for an online medium, I feel more than ready to work for a real station in the real world, thanks to the University of Florida and the CMIR. 

ImageThis is an example of a Newsroom camera we use for live shots and cutaways in the newsroom.  


Final Cut Pro Application opened up on one of our hundreds of Mac desktops provided for our own use.


One of the cameras we use to record our voices over video footage.


Now, aren’t you all jealous you aren’t Journalism majors at the University of Florida? 

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